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Go With Me® Jubilee Portable Chair - Teal FAQs
Does the sun canopy have UV protection?
Is the position of the sun canopy adjustable to shield the sun?
Does the harness work on bigger kids?
Here's what others have had to say:
Perfect for on the go
"We got this high chair to use while camping with our 14 month old. We already used it when visiting our grandparents and it worked great! Easy to pack up and keep in the car for whenever we need a high chair. It is low to the ground but will serve as a camp chair for many years until she's big enough for an adult chair. So happy with this purchase!"
Great chairs that grows with child
"There are so many things that I love about this chair! First of all, it's extremely convenient to carry, which is really important for parents with little ones! Super easy to set up and go through the different stages based on age of child I can use it for a 9 month old or use it for my 3 year old or five year old, than set up again for another child. Secondly, it's very versatile-we have used it camping, at the beach, in our home and on the deck-being that it's easy to transport-it goes pretty much everywhere with us! Lastly, it's great that it "grows with your child", meaning that it works for a nine month old and also for a toddler! It's made great and extremely durable! I would definitely recommend to those looking for something reasonably priced and built to last!"
"I got this chair and I am fascinated! It is such a neat, and handy item to have! Its sturdy and lightweight. Folds with ease and could be mama's best helper! It unfolds with ease and instantly you have a covered highchair! The baby enjoyed it and I found it to be so incredibly convenient to have."